Facebook chat penguin emoticon – <(")
The newest Facebook emoticon, and probably also the cutest! The super penguin Facebook chat emoticon is the one to send to your girlfriend if she asks for a present!
Facebook chat woot emoticon – O.o
If you can’t believe what the person you’re talking to just said, give them a w000t face! They’ll soon realise you’re suprise!
Facebook chat kiss emoticon – :*
The first of the romantic emoticons to use in your chats – the kiss also incorporates a small wink!
Facebook chat wink emoticon – ;)
A cute wink can deliver any number of different meanings – just remember if you’re going to send it to your crush, make sure your girlfriend or boyfriend isn’t watching!
Facebook chat tongue emoticon – :p
Sticking out your tongue in some cultures can be very offensive, however if it’s a Facebook chat emoticon I think you won’t be sent to prison (yet!).
Facebook chat sunglasses emoticon – 8-|
My future’s so bright, I have to wear shades! But I will never wear them indoors – only movie stars do that!
Facebook chat smiling emoticon – :)
The classic smiling icon, for use to show how happy you are with your life!
Facebook chat happy eyes emoticon – ^_^
Inspired by Japanese manga, this ‘happy eyes’ emoticon is a good way of showing your complete contentment with somebody close.
Facebook chat sad face emoticon – :(
Did someone say something to upset you? Show your displeasure with this Facebook chat sad emoticon.