
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Setting up Yum server with repositry shared on Windows machine ( With Samba server)

Hi all,

          In this artical i am going to install Samba server firstly than with help of samba server i will mount the window share on linux machine further with a windows shared repositry we will configure Yum server . So here we goes..

Step I. First of all extract all Linux package on a windows machine on a folder now share that folder. ( In my case the name of windows machine in "myfileserver'' with IP Address "", and the linux packhages are in " E:\Softwares\malanchreposerver " now I have shared "E:\Softwares "as "satishkrmalanch$" and to access this share only to a user " satish " and password for the user "Geni0$neverbornYbirth"
 Step II : 
Now install samba server and configure it.
now on linux machine
type following command
mount //$ /winshare

with this command share will be mounted on /winshare

now creat a repo file in my case "malanch.repo"  and give it path in it as mentioned below:

You can also permantely mount your windows share on linux by making a credential file containing user name and password for windows  share and then by adding a single line in /etc/fstab file:

# vim /etc/hosts   myfileserver

Now creat a password credential file:

#vi /etc/cifspw
Secure this file now:

#Chmod 600 /etc/cifspw

Now enter following into your fstab file to make mount permanent:

//myfileserver/satishkrmalanch$  /winshare  cifs exec,credentials=/etc/cifspw 0 0

 Now make samba service active on startup by this command:
#chkconfig smb on

and now you are done. Make your firewall open for smb ,smb client demon on.

and enjoy to install software with yum command now.
                                  : Satish Malanch

Setting up Yum server with repositry shared on Windows machine ( With Samba server)

Hi all,

          In this artical i am going to install Samba server firstly than with help of samba server i will mount the window share on linux machine further with a windows shared repositry we will configure Yum server . So here we goes..

Step I. First of all extract all Linux package on a windows machine on a folder now share that folder. ( In my case the name of windows machine in "myfileserver'' with IP Address "", and the linux packhages are in " E:\Softwares\malanchreposerver " now I have shared "E:\Softwares "as "satishkrmalanch$" and to access this share only to a user " satish " and password for the user "Geni0$neverbornYbirth"
 Step II : 
Now install samba server and configure it.
now on linux machine
type following command
mount //$ /winshare

with this command share will be mounted on /winshare

now creat a repo file in my case "malanch.repo"  and give it path in it as mentioned below:

You can also permantely mount your windows share on linux by making a credential file containing user name and password for windows  share and then by adding a single line in /etc/fstab file:

# vim /etc/hosts   myfileserver

Now creat a password credential file:

#vi /etc/cifspw
Secure this file now:

#Chmod 600 /etc/cifspw

Now enter following into your fstab file to make mount permanent:

//myfileserver/satishkrmalanch$  /winshare  cifs exec,credentials=/etc/cifspw 0 0

 Now make samba service active on startup by this command:
#chkconfig smb on

and now you are done. Make your firewall open for smb ,smb client demon on.

and enjoy to install software with yum command now.
                                  : Satish Malanch