Tuesday, October 27, 2009
[tanaman binahong]
Pemakaian Dalam
• Rhisoma (umbi) dicuci bersih kemudian direbus, disaring dan langsung diminum (tiga gelas/ hari) untuk penyembuhan:
• Baru operasi
• Maag
• Thipus
• Desentri
• Kesegaran jasmani (ditambah telur dan madu)
• Mencegah stroke
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Making Money Selling Domain Names
Making Money Selling Domain Names
[pesan Tuhan]
Tetapi engkau, wanita, AKU menghiasmu setelah aku meniupkan nafas kehidupan ke pria karena lubang hidungmu terlalu lembut. AKU membiarkan pria tertidur dengan nyenyak sehingga AKU dapat dengan sabar dan sempurna membentuk engkau.Pria AKU buat tertidur supaya dia tidak dapat mencampuri.
[mencintai orang yang special]
Hanya perlu satu menit untuk menghancurkan seseorang, satu jam untuk menyukai seseorang, satu hari untuk mencintai seseorang, tetapi membutuhkan waktu seumur hidup untuk melupakan seseorang.
Cinta adalah ketika kamu membawa perasaan, kesabaran,dan roomantis dalam suatu hubungan dan menemukan bahwa kamu peduli dengan dia.
Monday, October 19, 2009
[romance soulmate]
Untuk ku pergi dari sisi dunia
Yang gelap tanpamu kini
Saat kau pergi dari sisiku
Ku hanyut dalam wangi mimpimu
Saat kau pergi hilanglah semua
Bahagia aku melayang
menghilang bersama bintang-bintang
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Lama Tidak Posting
Sayangnya, trafik masih sedikit dan saya berharap, ini akan terus dikembangkan. Kedepan,
Lama Tidak Posting
Sayangnya, trafik masih sedikit dan saya berharap, ini akan terus dikembangkan. Kedepan,
Saturday, October 10, 2009
220- ********************
220- You are accessing a U.S. Government (USG) Information System (IS) that is
220- provided for USG-authorized use only.
220- By using this IS (which includes any device attached to this IS), you
220- consent to the following conditions:
neither sweating nor trembling
criss-crossed behind a gentle smile
is a hidden, dangerous personnal
when you are most relaxed
i would, without any feelings
do the deed, never looking back
Friday, October 09, 2009
waktu merambah ke sela sela jiwaku
terombang ambing badai
terhempas dalam dilema tak berkesudahan
jiwa ini terus meraung
ingin menatap matahari esok
merasakan sinar
untuk memulai hari yang baru
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Airtel Support - My Worst Experience
Let it be a security software support center or a broadband support center, if the support system is working good, then the customers are happy. Responses are one important thing that is liked by all, Just wonder how frustrated I am, if I had shot an email to Airtel Broadband support and till that I haven't got an reply. Below is the story that happened. I would have been happy if the support people has responded me on time, stating that "Sorry, there is no feasibility in your area" - if they had said this I would have gone for an alternate. Instead see how much I would have been frustrated after so much patience. Honestly once, I really was happy with the Airtel support, but now...... you will know from the below mail that I sent to airtel.
from Yuvaraj Rajendran
to Care TamilNadu
date Sep 1, 2009 2:30 PM
subject : High Priority - Regarding Telephone / Broadband line shifting
Dear Support,
I have been calling the Airtel Support "121" and "044-42110198" from Last Monday ie. 24th August 2009 to Till Date i.e. 1st September 2009, regarding, shifting of my telephone line from Velachery to Alandur. I am really NOT HAPPY with the support provided by airtel for the all these days. Just wonder I called from the date specified above to till date, to hear finally that I don't have feasibility in my area. The below are the responses I got from Airtel Customer Support and Airtel Escalation Department.
Monday: I called and said, that I need to shift my Airtel telephone/broadband line from Velchery to Alandur, as I am shifting my home on Wednesday. And customer support executive told me, that the information has been recorded and I would receive a call tomorrow i.e. Tuesday.
Tuesday: As I did not receive any call till noon, I gave an call to Airtel Customer Support, and asked regarding my status. They asked me to call after sometime, so they will check and let me know the status. Later gain I called them, and they said they feasibility for my area is there and again I was told that Airtel Staff would be contacting me soon.
Wednesday: Again the same thing happened, I did not receive the call, and again I gave an call, and put the request regarding the issue, and I was told, definitely I would receive an call, but I did not.
Thursday: As I did not receive the call, I again called the Airtel Tech/customer support, and I was told, that I would receive the connection itself by friday, and I reconfirmed, about my feasibility, and I was told yes, and shifting would be done on the requested date ie. on friday before 5.30 PM, before that I would be getting a call.
Friday: I was waiting, waiting till noon, and again , I gave a call, and was told by one support executive, that I need to clear my outstanding, but the support executive who called me is also not clear about it. And I asked, why I was not told all these days, and then I asked, anyways I am going to shift my line, so I will make the bill payment on the specified date. I was told yes for this. And the issue was Escalated to the Escalation department, and I was assured that I would be given the connection.
Saturday: On Saturday, I was waiting for the connection, but I did not receive any call, and again I called to remind them about the linke shifting, and I was assured by the Airtel Support Manager, that definitely on Monday, I would receive the connection on Monday ie. 31st August 2009. (I was bit happy, that I would be receiving the connection on monday).
Sunday: I called my friend, who works in airtel, and said regarding this, and he said, he would help me on monday if not done.
Monday: I was waiting for the confirmation call on Monday, till noon, and I gave an call, regarding this, and one customer support executive picked my call, before I can tell anything, not even listening to me, she said "Thank You for Calling Airtel Support Center, Have a nice day" and disconnected the phone. Again I called up, and I was told by some other support guy, who assured me, We would provide the connection in the specified time, and I would receive a call in 30 Minutes.
You know something, I was happy the moment I was told like this, (Just a small wonder, I have took an OFF for my office this day, for the purpose, that I am going to get a connection), but my happiness did not last long. I was given a called by the airtel care center, and an other guy told me, I need to clear my outstanding balance of Rs.653, and in the next 30 minutes, I went to all the way from Alandur to T.Nagar, to pay the outstanding balance and I paid Rs.700. I did pay the bil andl I was waiting for the connection on Tuesday.
Tuesday: Really Really got Frustrated, I called the customer support thrice, and all the 3 times, I was in hold for a long time, and finally reached a support engineer, and asked to transfer me to escalation department. And I was put on hold for a long time, and the line got cut, before I could speak to someone. Again I called, I was put on hold for such a long time, and was finally, the escalation department manager( I don't know if it is the real designation of the person) has told the customer support executive to say, that there is no network connectivity in my area.
I was so fed up and shouted at the executive, I felt pity on the executive, what can she do for the fault of the Team Leads or Managers, who give wrong information.
I know its a longmail, still wonder, last tuesday I was told, I have got the feasibility, and now I was told there is no network feasibility. (Is this a tactic to get the unpaid bill amount from me, before I relocate?) Kindly do have check at my bill payments, never I have made a late payment. Is this the way you people handle the customer? ITS LIKE CHEATING ME AFTER GIVING ME THE ASSURANCE. If I was told this early, atleast I would have gone for some other service provider. Because of this, I lost my patience, my companies salary for 2 days, mine and my brothers work got affected and lot of unwanted tensions.
If I was told early, I would have made some alternate arrangement. I wanted this to be notified to the concerned person/top executives. Else, the top executives won't be aware about these kind of issues.
Anyways, a small wonder, If I am not going to be a airtel customer, it not going to be a huge loss, but if there are thousands of people, who face the problems as I do, then what?
Kindly try to resolve this issue, before I could blog it. (I am an online marketing consultant, wonder what I will do without internet). Atleast let my existing line be there, so that I can work for a week, till I get the new line either from you or other service provider. SURELY I WILL PAY MY BILL IF THAT ALL YOU WANT.
I don't know if reaches the top people in airtel, but still inspite I told I would post what happened in my blog, there were no responses. some 2 to 3 weeks I just called to know, if my connection was disconnected from my old place.
Friday, October 02, 2009
Nyaris 100 Situs Malaysia Dilumpuhkan Cracker Indonesia
Dalam aksinya, pelaku deface, di antaranya yang mengatasnamakan diri dari XINCBIOsys, inc0mp13te, Bi4kKob4r, PsyChotr0n1nd0n3514n Cyb3r 4rmy #1 melumpuhkan sekitar 96 situs Malaysia. Pelaku menampilkan sebuah halaman khusus bertajuk 'Ganyang Malingsial' untuk menampung luapan kekesalan terhadap Malaysia.
Pelaku Survei Bunuh Obama di Facebook Terungkap
Tak butuh waktu lama, Secret Service kini sudah mampu menemukan siapa pelakunya. Cukup mengagetkan, ternyata yang bertangungjawab atas polling tersebut masih anak-anak.
Di Balik Perubahan Logo Google Jadi 'Googlle'
Sesaat setelah logo nyleneh itu ditayangkan, banyak orang membanjiri media di internet dengan berbagai pertanyaan. 'Mengapa ejaan Google dibuat salah?' dan 'Mengapa Google punya dua huruf l?' adalah pertanyaan yang paling umum dilayangkan oleh para user.
Ternyata, doodle atau logo spesial Googlle ini dihadirkan dalam rangka merayakan 11 tahun kelahiran Google pada 27 September. Ditambahkannya huruf 'l' adalah untuk merepresentasikan angka 11, menandakan usia raksasa internet ini sebagai sebuah perusahaan.
Mozilla 'Khawatirkan' Google Chrome Frame
Untuk itu Mike Shaver, selaku Vice president Mozilla Engineering menyatakan kepeduliannya terkait Google yang berbaik hati terhadap Microsoft.
"Pengguna yang menginginkan proses rendering dari Chrome, tentunya dapat menggunakan Chrome dan harus Chrome," tulis Shaver pada blognya, seperti dikutip detikINET, Jumat (2/10/2009).
[Jangan Pernah Berubah - ST12]
Mencintai kamu penuh rasa sabar
Meski sakit hati ini kau tinggalkan
Ku ikhlas ‘tuk bertahan
Cintaku padamu begitu besar
Namun kau tak pernah bisa merasakan
Malah kini kau ucapkan selamat tinggal
Membuat keresahan
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Pagi ini langit tampak tak bersahabat, sama seperti kemarin dan kemarinnya lagi.
Langit mendung tak ada awan biru yang sejuk di pandang mata.
Matahari pun tak muncul dari peraduannya seakan enggan berbagi kehangatannya.
Yang ada hanyalah kumpulan awan hitam yang siap membasahi bumi.
Dikawal hembusan angin dingin membawa debu dan serpihan dedaunan kering.
Pandanganku beralih ke sebuah monitor kecil di atas meja kerjaku, melihat para pemain yang berlalu lalang,
menyenangkan sekali.