
Thursday, January 21, 2010

Configuring YUM server for LInux on Windows FTP server

Hi all,
          In this artical i am going to setup YUM ( Yellowdog Update Modified) server on a Windows based FTP server.Here we go;
First of all copy Full DVD  of your linux distribution on a windows ftp server.
In my case i have copied all the contented of Fedora core-11dvd on my windows ftp server (\fedora11)
The exact link location is

Now on Linux system follow the following steps
1. Move all the repo file to a backup location in my case /backup/yum.repod

[ tmp ]# mv /etc/yum.repod/*  /backup/yum.repod/
[ tmp ]# cp /backup/yum.repod/fedora.repo  /etc/yum.repod/satishmalanch.repo

Now edit this file with vim edtior: tmp ]# vim /etc/yum.repod/satishmalanch.repo

  Edit the file as shown in above figure.
Now run following command:

[ tmp ]# yum clean all 
Now you have configured the yum repositry on a windows based ftp server on network.
You can now install the packages without any dependancy.

...........................  Satish Kr Malanch


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